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Schools Ban ChatGPT Amid Fears of Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Cheating

為防人工智慧輔助舞弊,各大校園全面禁止使用 ChatGPT

Schools Ban ChatGPT Amid Fears of Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Cheating
February 10, 2023 6:27 PM
Matt Dibble

搭載人工智慧的寫作工具 ChatGPT 自發布以來一直是話題的焦點,其生成的文章品質令人歎為觀止,甚至許多人認為 ChatGPT 和真人寫作的水準不相上下。正因為這一點,許多學生開始使用這套 AI 軟體輔助學習,但也有人利用 ChatGPT 優異的寫作能力,以假亂真,將其當作作業及測驗的寫手。這樣的亂象不僅使得教育界擔憂 AI 進入校園對學習可能產生的負面影響,更對學術倫理形成莫大的挑戰。

Since its release in late 2022, an artificial intelligence-powered writing tool called ChatGPT has won instant acclaim but has also raised concerns, especially on school campuses.

High school senior Galvin Fickes recently demonstrated how entering a short command can generate a summary of Jane Eyre, a book she was assigned to read.

“I think it did a pretty good job, honestly,” said Fickes, who has used the software to help with studying.

Across the U.S., school districts are choosing to restrict access to ChatGPT on their computers and networks.

Developed by San Francisco-based OpenAI, ChatGPT is trained on a vast amount of language data from the internet. When prompted, the AI generates a response using the most likely sequence of words, creating original text that mimics human thought.

Some teachers like LuPaulette Taylor are concerned that the freely available tool could be used by students to do their homework and undermine learning. She listed the skills she worries will be affected by students having access to AI programs like ChatGPT.

“The critical thinking that we all need as human beings, and the creativity, and also the benefit of having done something yourself and saying, ‘I did that,’” said Taylor, who teaches high school English at an Oakland, California, public school.

Annie Chechitelli, who is chief product officer for Turnitin, an academic integrity service used by educators in 140 countries, said AI plagiarism presents a new challenge.

“There's no, what we call, ‘source document,’ right?” she said. “Or a smoking gun to look to, to say, ‘Yes, this looks like it was lifted from that.’”

Turnitin’s anti-plagiarism software checks the authenticity of a student paper by scanning the internet for possible matches. But when AI writes text, each line is novel and unique, making it hard to detect cheating.

There is, however, one distinguishing feature of AI writing, said Eric Wang, vice president for AI at Turnitin.

“They tend to write in a very, very average way,” he said. “Humans all have idiosyncrasies. We all deviate from average one way or another. So, we're able to build detectors that look for cases where an entire document or entire passage is uncannily average.”

Turnitin’s ChatGPT detector is due out later this year. Wang said keeping up with AI tools will be an ongoing challenge that will transform education.

“A lot of things that we hold as norms and as status quo are going to have to shift as a result of this technology,” he said.

AI may become acceptable for some uses in the classroom, just as calculators eventually did.

Computer science teacher Steve Wright said he was impressed when his student used ChatGPT to create a study guide for [his] calculus class.

“You know, if ChatGPT can make us throw up our hands and say, ‘No longer can I ask a student to regurgitate a process, but now I'm going to have to actually dig in and watch them think, to know if they're learning’ — that's fantastic,” said Wright.

In schools and elsewhere, it seems clear that AI will have a role in writing the future.

Language Notes

  • acclaim 為名詞,指(公開的)稱譽;讚賞;歡迎
  • plagiarism 為名詞,指剽竊,抄襲
  • authenticity 為名詞,指確實性;真實性;可靠性
  • idiosyncrasy 為名詞,指癖好,怪癖;特徵
  • uncannily 為副詞,指奇怪地;神秘地;難以(或無法)解釋地
  • status quo 為名詞,指現狀
  • regurgitate 為動詞,指(不加思考地)重複;照搬;照本宣科

Check your comprehension!

Choose the BEST answer to each of the questions below. After you finish, highlight the parentheses to reveal the hidden answers.

( B ) 1. How does ChatGPT generate text?
(A) It rearranges textual materials taken from the world’s largest online library.
(B) It studies and mimics human speech patterns to create natural-sounding sentences.
(C) Its neural engine functions like the human brain and is capable of conceiving new ideas out of thin air.
(D) It can emulate human emotions and is thus capable of creative writing.

( D ) 2. Which aspect of a student’s development did Ms. LuPaulette Taylor NOT think AI writing would jeopardize?
(A) Independent thinking
(B) Originality
(C) A sense of accomplishment
(D) Desire for excellence

( C ) 3. What is an identifying feature of AI writing?
(A) Immaculate writing
(B) Monotonic sentences
(C) Impersonal style
(D) Terrible flow
編譯:外語教學暨資源中心 編輯小組