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Cambodia Welcomes Museum's Plan to Return Looted Antiquities


VOA | ARTs & Culture
Cambodia Welcomes Museum's Plan to Return Looted Antiquities
December 16, 2023   2:01 PM
Associated Press
柬埔寨過去曾飽受戰火摧殘及共產極權的統治,動盪的局勢致使許多珍貴的考古文物讓不法份子有機可趁。此次紐約大都會藝術博物館將歸還柬埔寨14件雕塑品,檢方調查其中大部分文物皆與知名藝術品經銷商拉奇福德(Douglas Latchford)有關。他因有計畫地將劫掠文物變賣至國際藝術品市場,於2019年被起訴;拉奇福德隔年即逝,生前也否認涉案。柬埔寨文化藝術部部長表示,柬國人民歷經長年內戰及紅色高棉(Khmer Rouge)政權的種族清洗,文物的歸還象徵著療癒傷痛並與歷史和解,同時也更深化與美方的關係。
PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA — Cambodia has welcomed the announcement that New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art will return more than a dozen pieces of ancient artwork to Cambodia and Thailand that were tied to an art dealer and collector accused of running a huge antiquity trafficking network out of Southeast Asia.

This most recent repatriation of artwork comes as many museums in the United States and Europe reckon with collections that contain objects looted from Asia, Africa and other places during centuries of colonialism or in times of upheaval.

Fourteen Khmer sculptures will be returned to Cambodia and two will be returned to Thailand, the Manhattan museum announced Friday, although no specific timeline was given.

"We appreciate this first step in the right direction," said a statement issued by Cambodia's Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts. "We look forward to further returns and acknowledgements of the truth regarding our lost national treasures, taken from Cambodia in the time of war and genocide.”

Cambodia suffered from war and the brutal rule of the communist Khmer Rouge in the 1970s and 1980s, causing disorder that opened the opportunity for its archaeological treasures to be looted.

The repatriation of the ancient pieces was linked to well-known art dealer Douglas Latchford, who was indicted in 2019 for allegedly orchestrating a multiyear scheme to sell looted Cambodian antiquities on the international art market. Latchford, who died the following year, had denied any involvement in smuggling.

The museum initially cooperated with the U.S. attorney's office in Manhattan and the New York office of Homeland Security Investigations on the return of 13 sculptures tied to Latchford before determining there were three more that should be repatriated.

"As demonstrated with today's announcement, pieces linked to the investigation of Douglas Latchford continue to reveal themselves," HSI Acting Special Agent in Charge Erin Keegan said in a statement Friday. "The Metropolitan Museum of Art has not only recognized the significance of these 13 Khmer artifacts, which were shamelessly stolen, but has also volunteered to return them, as part of their ongoing cooperation, to their rightful owners: the People of Cambodia.”

This isn't the first time the museum has repatriated art linked to Latchford. In 2013, it returned two objects to Cambodia.

The Latchford family also had a load of centuries-old Cambodian jewelry in their possession that they later returned to Cambodia. In February, 77 pieces of jewelry made of gold and other precious metal pieces — including items such as crowns, necklaces and earrings — were returned. Other stone and bronze artifacts were returned in September 2021.

Pieces being returned include a bronze sculpture called the “Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Seated in Royal Ease," made sometime between the late 10th century and early 11th century. Another piece of art, made of stone in the seventh century and named “Head of Buddha," will also be returned. Those pieces are part of 10 that can still be viewed in the museum's galleries while arrangements are made for their return.

"These returns contribute to the reconciliation and healing of the Cambodian people who went through decades of civil war and suffered tremendously from the tragedy of the Khmer Rouge genocide, and to a greater strengthening of our relationship with the United States," Cambodia's Minister of Culture and Fine Arts, Phoeurng Sackona, said in her agency's statement.

Research efforts were already underway by the museum to examine the ownership history of its objects, focusing on how ancient art and cultural property changed hands, as well as the provenance of Nazi-looted artwork.


Language Notes

Check your comprehension!

Choose the BEST answer to each of the questions below. After you finish, highlight the parentheses to reveal the hidden answers.

1. (  B  )  The phrase 'reckon with' is closest in meaning to _______ in the given context. 
(A) Accept
(B) Encounter
(C) Disregard
(D) Dispute

2.  (  B  )   Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Douglas Latchford?
(A) The museum has previously returned some artwork associated with Latchford.
(B) He was arrested for smuggling Khmer artwork.
(C) His family possessed a large amount of antiquity from Cambodia.
(D) He has already passed away.

3.  ( D ) What is the status of the recent batch of artifacts that managed to return to Cambodia?                                                 
(A) They were all sealed and waiting to be transported. 
(B) The Latchford family has already returned some of them.
(C) The museum visitors can no longer see some of those sculptures. 
(D) There is no timeframe for returning them.